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Site Prep

You are responsible to have a level site prepared to set the building on when the driver gets there. 

Within 6” of grade. 

It is vary important that the area is open 6’ on each Gable End and 2’ on each side of the building

so the mule can maneuver.

The mule can not jump high  curbing or blocking.  Such as retaining walls.  

Once the driver gets to the location  they will unload the building in the street and place wheels under one side and then maneuver the building with the mule to the location. 

We can not pick a buildings up over a fence. 

All fencing must be removed.  Before the driver arrives.  We do offer a build on site option. 


Gravel Pads 

This service can be provided thru Everlast.  Ask for a quote.  Recommendation for a gravel pad should be level within 2" shims maybe required.  A shed should be raised slightly so there is proper water drainage and ventilation underneath. Building a shed foundation might seem like more work, but it’s well worth it.

Gravel Pads must be 2' wider then your building. 

For example if you have a 10x16 building you will need a 12x18 gravel pad.

If you are using gravel it is important to have it compacted as the mule will get stuck in loose gravel.  A good base is compacted CA-6.


If you are wanting landscape timbers or blocking around your building it must be installed after the building has been delivered. 




Before you choose a location to install your shed, consult your local Home Owners Association (HOA) or Building Department to see if you will need a permit and what guidelines there might be.

Every county has different guidelines, so we strongly suggest to not skip this step.

Confirm the following with your HOA/Building Department:

  • Shed type and size

  • Frost line

  • Location

  • Foundation Type

  • Required building permits

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